Super VISA

Benefits of Super VISA

Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents now have another option for visiting Canada. If they want and are eligible to apply they may opt for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa. This is a long-term visa with the applicant having the benefit of staying in homes in Canada for up to 2 years.


Super Visa

To be eligible for a super visa the applicant must be a parent or grandparent of a Canadian permanent resident or citizen. They must be admissible to Canada and meet other eligibility conditions. P.R Immigration provides detailed assistance in getting a super visa.

The sponsor in Canada will also have to meet certain income and other requirements in order to sponsor a parent or grandparent under the super visa.
The sponsor has to provide an undertaking of support to the applicants during their stay in Canada.
To know more about this visa and discuss your case please feel free to contact us and speak to one of our experts.

What Our Clients Say

“At pellentesque faucibus morbi morbi vel magna at eleifend mauris est nisl purus tellus magna volutpat elit quis nunc adipiscing mauris odio ornare nunc.”
Jammie White
“Est elit nulla risus a purus faucibus gravida tempus, magnis mauris tellus vitae bibendum faucibus id phasellus rutrum vel non quis pellentesque sem.”
Michael Johnson
“Elit id pretium, nec sit pretium massa nibh ut cursus auctor ac sociis proin justo, et commodo at maecenas magna.”
Julie Kyle
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